This week I sat down to do my last PowerSheets Quarterly Refresh of 2024. I feel hopeful and energized about finishing off 2024 super strong with my goals. Let’s talk about what happened in Q3 and what’s going to happen going forward for Q4.

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PowerSheets Quarterly Refresh
The PowerSheets Quarterly Refresh is a section in my favorite goal planner that happens every three months, at the end of the third month of every quarter. It’s a guided section to help you reflect on how your goals went for the previous three months. Then you have space to come up with a plan to work on your goals for the next quarter.
Cultivated Life Evaluation
First, I went through my Cultivated Life Evaluation and wrote down my previous scores that I recorded during my last Quarterly Refresh and then I journaled about how I felt about each one. After a year of using PowerSheets, I’m getting a lot better at this!

- Current: 6
- Previous: 3
- Difference: +3
Previously, I never really did anything for Community, so I am up from what I recorded before. I joined the PTO and when the school year started in August, we started working on PTO stuff. It’s a lot of work, but it’s really fulfilling and I’m proud of the work I’m doing.

- Current: 10
- Previous: 10
- Difference: +0
Family stayed at ten. Ten out of ten, no notes. They’re the greatest. And we have a really great relationship.
- Current: 8
- Previous: 7
- Difference: +1
Finances are going well. Sure, I wish we had more money. (Doesn’t everybody?!) And it’s never going to be enough, no matter what. But, I did set some goals last quarter to start a couple of sinking funds for the holidays coming up. I did set them up and I’ve been contributing the amount I’ve been wanting to contribute to those.
Health and Wellness
- Current: 8
- Previous: 7
- Difference: +1
I’ve had some ups and downs, but overall it’s going well. I’ve started walking again when I’m already out to take my son to his tennis practice. It is so much easier to make that decision to go walking when there’s a walking trail right there in my face near the tennis courts.
Home + Spaces
- Current: 7
- Previous: 4
- Difference: +3
My Home + Spaces category was surprising to me because I did have a lot of negative feelings towards my home lately. We’ve had some damage we’ve had to repair and just Old Home stuff, you know?
There have been some good things, though. I finally figured out the cleaning routine that works for me. In my recent video, I talked about this. I just needed something simpler, and I needed to stop trying to make these other popular cleaning systems work for me. I just needed to do what was right for me and my family in our home. Embracing a simple cleaning routine was a huge weight off my shoulders.

We also did some decorating in our home. My mom graciously gifted us her old dining room furniture when she redecorated. So we were able to spruce up a room that we weren’t really using much. And now it’s such a much nicer space. And, we’re able to display our wedding china we haven’t looked at since 2007! I’m really grateful for that. Thanks, Mommy!
Personal Growth
- Current: 8
- Previous: 7
- Difference: +1
I’m making time for hobbies, and that’s helping me avoid burnout. It’s something I’ve always known I needed to do. But it’s hard to stop when I’m on a roll working on my channel or PTO or some other responsibility kind of thing. Making myself turn off the computer or log out of things and get on Minecraft, or go sit down and watch a TV show, or do a puzzle, or read my book is helping me avoid that burnout.
Work + Learning
- Current: 7
- Previous: 5
- Difference: +5
I know that creating systems and planning helps me feel at peace. Maybe I would have gone up more if I would have been sticking to the plans I’ve made for myself this past quarter instead of reacting to things that other people wanted me to do or different things going on in the planner community. I want to tune that all out and just do what I plan on doing. And so that’s something I’m going to be working on going forward,
Habits + Routines
- Current: 6
- Previous: 4
- Difference: +2
My free choice category is dedicated to habits and routines. I really want to make that big push at the end of 2024 to just solidify at least one routine. It’s something I’ve always struggled with. I know that when I have a routine, I do really well and I thrive, but I just have a mental block. For some reason, I can’t make the decisions to just do the things that I know I need to do.
I am focusing on my PM routine in Q4. I know that even if I ignore all the other routines, as long as I do the PM routine, I will see benefits from that all day long in every other area of my life. And so that way I can start 2025, like really strong with like at least one set routine to make the other routines easier. I feel like if I can get that PM routine going, it’s going to trickle down into all of the other goal categories.
Where have I seen the most growth?
- Community (+3)
- Home + Spaces (+3)
Which goals need more nourishment?
- Community
- Home + Spaces
- Work + Learning
- Habits + Routines
Since the changes in all of my categories were positive, I decided to go with the lowest numbers on the current rating. I picked the ones with 6s and 7s.
Also, let’s just note that all of my goal categories are six and above! I’m so like happy and proud of myself for that. And it makes me feel really good.
What I’m Saying No To
- Mindless phone scrolling
- Systems that don’t serve me
What I’m Saying Yes To
- Reading in bed (instead of scrolling)
- Being involved in PTO
- Weekend cleaning (instead of breaking it up throughout the week)
- Seasonal decor (Halloween, Fall, Christmas!)
- Simple systems
- PM routine
I go into a ton of discussion about these things in my video!
Refreshed Goals
These are the refreshed goals from last season. They’re very similar. Basically I took the goals that need more nourishment (Community, Home + Spaces, Work + Learning, Habits + Routines) and I refined them. I left the other goals the same because I don’t need to make changes to the things that don’t need more nourishment. I can just keep going the way I was going.

- Finances | save money for the future
- Habits + Routines | establish a well-developed evening routine
- Home + Spaces | delight in seasonal decor
- Health + Wellness | improve health with nutrition
- Personal Growth | make time for hobbies
- Community | generously give my time to PTO
- Work + Learning | persistently use simple systems
- Family | maintain our strong family bond
Word of the Season
My word of the season (and year) is CONTENT. I kept my word of the season the same as it has been all year. I want to just remain content with the progress that I am making and not feel like I’m not doing enough. Everything I’m doing is helpful. So I want to remember to remain content with that.
PowerSheets Quarterly Refresh Video
You might also enjoy watching my video where I get chatty and discuss these areas in much more detail.
In the video, I talk about how I made my Tending List cheat sheet, how I incorporate my PowerSheets goals into my Erin Condren LifePlanner, and I set up my new sticky note Kanban board system.
If you’re looking for more blog content on goals, be sure to visit my Simple Goal Setting archive.

Shop my favorite goal planner
Annual PowerSheets have helped me shift into a growth mindset and I can’t recommend them enough!
Use my code KRISTANKREMER to save an extra 10% on your purchase at Cultivate What Matters.
[…] long, so I think it’s safe to say I have finally found a winner for goal planning. Check out my PowerSheets Quarterly Goals Refresh to learn more about how I will use this planner in quarter […]
[…] Start goal planners and get the same experience. Every quarter, you’ll have time to work on your Quarterly Refresh during this […]