I love to wake up when the rest of the house is still sleeping. During the quiet stillness of the dark, with just the warm glow of my little lamp at my desk, it is so easy to push my task list out of my mind. The darkness of the early morning conceals the pile of laundry and the smudged floor, creating space in my mind for calm thoughts and feelings of tranquility. Of all the routines in my self-care toolkit, my morning routine is my favorite.
Self-Reflection Morning Routine
Create a peaceful morning routine by focusing on self-reflection instead of tasks. So many ideas shared online are full of checklists and actions meant to rev up your energy. It’s understandable! And it works for many, so there’s nothing wrong with that. However, some of us respond better to a more gentle approach to the morning routine.

Morning Routine Journaling
With my warm mug of coffee, I can sit in peace and think about myself for a change. Normally I journal, lately in the Goodnotes app on my iPad. The paper feel screen film I added has been a game-changer. Journaling is a must-do part of my morning routine.
Journaling is calm. Many times when we first wake up, we invite in stimuli, data, and other people’s thoughts or opinions via the news or social media. Instead, journaling first thing in the morning helps you declutter your own mind. Start your day with peace and clarity by pursuing a morning journaling habit.
Making Time for Goal Setting
At the end of 2023, I used the precious morning journalling time to work on setting goals for 2024. My goal planner has some pages at the beginning to really help me define what matters the most to me. The prep work helps me figure out where my focus should lie based on the season of life I am currently in.
Now that my prep work is complete, I still reach for my PowerSheets in the morning. I have found that if I review my prep work often (not just my monthly tending list), I can achieve even more clarity. Remind yourself each day what is important to you.
Seasons and Goal Setting
The introspection in my morning routine has been so helpful. I’m feeling optimistic about achieving the goals I want to accomplish, even if they’re similar or almost exactly the same as they were last year and the year before that. I’m learning to honor my season and recognize the progress I’ve made, even if it seems smaller than I expected.
Some people like to use the quip “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.” I understand the sentiment there, but I still disagree. A marathon is still a race. Goals and self improvement is not a race at all. Appreciate the small steps that take you down the path to become the person you want to be.
Morning Routine Transition
In the morning, as I write my heart out, the sun tends to rise and the light streams in and lets me know it’s time to move on with my day. But by then, I’m usually filled with hope for the day, the week, and a lifetime with my sweet family and ready to take on this new start I’ve been given.
And that’s why my morning routine is the most peaceful time of day.
3 Simple Habits to include in a Peaceful Morning Routine:
- Start your day with peace and clarity by journaling first
- Review your goals to remind yourself each day what is important to you
- Appreciate and notice the small progress you have already made

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